What has been going on again?
Hello everyone, Certainly, you noticed that there have been several severe technical issues in the past days. Here is a short summary what happened: First, all started with a routine server reboot for applying the newest security patches to our operating systems. Simultaneously we have done some Updates concerning the backend of our game servers. And […]
October Newsletter
Howdy everyone, yup autumn has been approaching fast and here in Germany, leaves are already falling. It has been quiet the past few weeks here. The cause of this is that I am currently really busy with university and work which does not leave much time communicating with you, the community. (currently typing this in […]
Teamspeak server downtime
Current Downtime Hello, Our TeamSpeak server had a downtime of about 7 hours today at 00:10 UTC because of our annual license renewal, We started our maintenance at 6:30 UTC and got it back online at 7:00 UTC We hope that everyone is able to join again. If there are still problems with joining or […]
UWM goes Steam
Hello everyone, next to our Facebook page, our Forum, a channel on Twitch and a Twitter account we now have another place to meet and communicate. We created a Steam group everyone is invited to join: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/uwm-gaming/ We created this group to make it easier for you to play other games, apart from Minecraft, together with […]
New Minecraft Server coming soon™: PokeUnited
Hey there, Pokémon trainers! We are very happy to announce that we are currently working on a new server: It will be a Pixelmon server and we are creating a new, custom modpack for it as well. „Ohh… Yet another Pixelmon pack… Why?“ We know there are many out there but if you have ever […]
Video series for Novus
Hey Guys and Girls, Maybe you want to check out our Novus Bevo Let’s Play Series by Magic Gaming If you like the series and if you want to play this pack by yourself, then please also take a look on our Servers Novus [Bevo] Finally don’t forget to follow Magic Gaming Your Unitedworldminers Team
Hello Guys and Girls, We’re back from our great server Meeting We were working a lot together Second Row : xF4m3, Moredir, Brainbrasher, MadddinTribleD, ManuXz, Nato_2550, Darkphinx First Row : FlatronEZ, Sebigamer4, Saphira_1, IManuI but we also had fun and enjoyed our time together In the end, we had a great Weekend looking forward to […]
Technic has been hacked (a bit)
Scroll down for updates! One of our scripts which periodically checks if the Tekkit Legends modpack has been updated has been going crazy last night. So when I woke up, I got about 100+ mails that there has been an update. This led me into doing some research so I opened up technicpack.net which presented me this: which in […]
Sunday news 12.06.2016
See the news in our forums! Have a nice Sunday!
Technic Platform update! (v2.1.0)
Hey there, it has been a long time since our last post but I’d like to tell you something which we think is awesome today. The Technic Team has been updating the Technic Platform after about 6 months of zero information and zero changes. We are looking forward to see what has changed / improved and […]