Forums down for maintenance

Currently our Forums are down for Maintenance We hope that we can go back to a normal state soon. We will keep you updated. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Forums are back up online

We apologize for the downtime of our forums. They have been offline for around 18 hours. The reason for this was the malfunctioning cache. We fixed the issue, installed the latest patches and updated our theme for the forum. You are able to connect and use the forums as normal again.

Technic Platform down

As many of you might have noticed the Technic Pages including all backend services that the Technic Launcher uses are down since more than 36 hours. The attack also causes problems with the Technic Laucher, so please note that Modpacks might not be installable or playable. The reason for this is a major DDoS attack […]

Happy new year

The whole Unitedworldminers team thanks everybody for the great year 2015 and wishes you a happy new year 2016! We are looking forward to better performance, a even larger growing community and more fun.

Unitedworldminers goes HTTP/2

Today we updated our web server configuration to support the HTTP/2 protocol. HTTP/2 is the predecessor to the HTTP/1.1 protocol from 1999 and was standardized in May this year (2015). HTTP/2 supports data compression of HTTP headers and Multiplexing multiple requests over a single TCP connection and some other new features that can be found here. What […]

It’s that time of the year again!

Dear community, the team wishes you a merry Christmas and some enjoyable celebrations! If you have nothing else to do, we welcome you on our servers and our Teamspeak ?  Graphic Designed by Freepik

Website design under progress

As you most likely have seen, we have been doing some major changes to our website design. But this is not the end, more changes coming soon. Stay tuned for 2016. Let us know what you think about the design in the comments below.

Server maintenance

Hey there, planned server maintenance starting 01.12.2015 – 08:30 CET. DONE! Everyone with access to the webpanel, please let us know your mail address again, so we can re-add you!  Some services including Minecraft servers might be unavailable for around two hours. We are upgrading our server web-panel as well as the underlying node based system. […]

Online services!

Hey there, as some of you might have noticed our website and support ticket system were down since last night ~ 00:30 CEST. The reason for this was a problem with our database server. But we got all up and running again and are happy to announce that all services are running fine again! The issue only affected […]

Server maintenance

We are currently doing some server maintenance. This should take less than 20 minutes. Please stand by! Started maintenance [20.10.2015 – 10:22 CEST] Maintenance almost completed [20.10.2015 – 10:52 CEST]