Novus Remix – server reset 03.09.2017 at 12:00 CEST

  Hello, we are going to reset the world of our Novus Remix server next sunday, 03.09. at 12:00 CEST. The server will be down for a couple of minutes and come back with a freshly generated world for you to explore. If there are still problems with the server, please feel free to contact […]

Teamspeak downtime 27.08.2017

Teamspeak server downtime Current Downtime Hello, Our TeamSpeak server had a downtime of about 2 hours on 27.08.2017 at 05:00 UTC because of updates. We hope that everyone is able to join again. If there are still problems with joining or the TS itself, please feel free to contact us over our forums or the contact form. Regards, […]